Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness or nervousness which we feel at many occasions. However, this becomes a disorder when this unsettling feeling is recurring and results in heart palpitations, giddiness and sleeplessness along with some other symptoms of anxiety disorder. This is a mental illness and research says that this is most prevalent in the US with 18% of the population suffering from anxiety disorder. Even in India one out of every four person suffers from this ailment, and global data suggest that one of thirteen people have anxiety disorder. According to studies certain biochemical factors that trigger this disorder are an imbalance in neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and epinephrine. These neurotransmitters are responsible for carrying impulses within neurons and are regarded as chemical messengers. The HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis is an integral part of the neuroendocrine system and its dysfunctionality results in anxiety disorder. An imbalance in the level of cortisol or the stress hormones also leads to anxiety disorder. Studies have revealed that apart from medication and counselling, making subtle changes to our lifestyle and food habits helps us to battle anxiety. Wisdom lies in being selective in what we eat and this list will definitely assist us in better stress management and warding off that plaguing anxiety disorder.
1. Salmon
Salmon and other oily fish like tuna, mackerel, and herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and studies have shown that these help in balancing the level of the cortisol hormone. Since our body cannot produce these acids, we can get the requisite amount by consuming this fish.

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2. Whole Grain Food
Whole grain food like brown rice and whole wheat bread are good sources of carbohydrates and this nutrient facilitates the production of serotonin. These are also high in magnesium, deficiency of which might cause stress. Gluten allergic people have many other options so they need not get depressed thinking about their intolerance of whole grain food.

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3. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is a great source of protein and neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine depend on protein for its production. Protein intake will not only help us increase mental health but also provide us with healthy hair and nails as protein is the building block of these.

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4. Poultry
Lean meat of chicken and turkey provide us with tryptophan which is an amino acid responsible for the production of serotonin. These meats are also low on unhealthy fat and highly proteinaceous. Chicken is also a good source of B vitamins which have anti-depression qualities.

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5. Beef
Beef is a rich source of B vitamins and recent studies have shown that a deficiency of these vitamins results in depression in some cases. Depression leads to anxiety disorder which means if we lack B vitamins, we are prone to anxiety disorder.

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6. Nuts
Nuts are a store house of many nutritive elements like iron, zinc and good fats. Lack of iron and zinc can cause depression, and zinc is also required to maintain a balanced mood.

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7. Blueberries
Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants which help us in stress management. This is also a great source of phytonutrients and vitamins. Experts say that blueberries and peaches have a calming effect on the senses and thus these are a recommended anti-anxiety food.

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8. Seeds
Various seeds like sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds and sunflower are great sources to keep anxiety at bay. Rich in iron and omega-3 fatty acids, these seeds aid stress management and proper functioning of the nervous system. Pumpkin seeds have a good amount of magnesium too, which manages energy levels and calms the muscles as well.

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9. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is one of the healthiest and easiest options available when dealing with anxiousness. Apart from being a source of magnesium, dark chocolate also has a substance called I-theanine which is credited with relaxing the mind and body.When blood sugar level in our body decreases, we tend to feel anxious. Hence it is advisable to eat something filling at the earliest to calm down that feeling.

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10. Greens
Green leafy vegetables are must needed anti-anxiety food as their rich magnesium content assists in operating the brain-adrenal (HPA) axis.

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11. Tea (Chamomile, Melissa, Rooibos)
If you are a tea lover, dealing with anxiety would not be a problem as research into the health effects of this simple drink have shown it to be amazing in terms of relieving stress. Teas like chamomile, rooibos and mellisa nurture the nervous system and keep it calm. Rooibos has been found to maintain the levels of cortisol hormones and it also contains polyphenols and flavanoids. Polyphenols have neuroprotective qualities and hence, are useful to decrease anxiety. Flavanoids too work similar to anti-anxiety medicines as they can pass through the blood-brain barrier, and facilitate the neurotransmitter GABA’s performance.

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12. Turmeric
Turmeric has in store a huge amount of antioxidants which shield the neurons and help improve our mood. Studies have shown that it is a great remedy to treat depression which is associated with anxiety as most people who suffer from depression also have anxiety disorder.

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13. Lemon
Every pulp of lemon is full of vitamin C and this is the reason why this citrus fruit is an anti-anxiety one. Vitamin C balances cortisol as well as the blood pressure levels, which in turn help to reduce stress. Lemon also contains B vitamins and hence provides relief from depression and anxiety.

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