20 Super Foods That Burn Fat & Help You Lose Weight

Super Foods That Burn Fat 13

How I wish I could fit in those old pair of jeans, and did not have to struggle to get into my favourite checkered shirt. This is what runs through the minds of most of us who think we have gained some extra pounds as a result of our lackluster daily routines. Putting on weight is like a nightmare for us and we go that extra mile to keep ourselves healthy and fit; exercise, dieting and what not. In an attempt of getting a trimmed tummy and well carved cheeks, we refrain from eating most of our favourite foods. Our tongue suffers the most in this fitness expedition, as we deny ourselves from indulging in some of those dishes which satiate our taste buds. We have this notion attached to certain foods that they make us gain weight and its better not to have them if we want to succeed in the weight loss program. Well, we need not worry any longer before picking those delighting food because studies have proved our notions to be wrong. Sometimes being proved wrong feels great, ain’t it? Next time when you think of burning those fats, you can happily include these foods in the diet, and treat your tongue while burning the fats because these are 20 super foods that burn fat and help us lose weight.

1. Avocado
Unlike most fruits, avocado has a good amount of healthy fats and not much carbohydrate. It is rich in fiber and this property of the fruit makes it beneficial in weight loss. It is one of the most sought after fruits nowadays, and is used to cook multiple dishes or deserts.

Photo Credit http://foodwinethyme.com/crab-meat-shrimp-salad-stuffed-avocados-w-chili-lime-sauce/

2. Beans (Black beans, Kidney Beans, Garbanzo Beans)
Full of fibers, beans contain the peptide hormone cholecystokinin which helps digest fats and proteins and also has anorectic (hunger suppressing) properties which in turn helps us reduce weight.

Photo Credit http://www.chow.com/recipes/14157-braised-white-beans-with-chard

Photo Credit http://www.chow.com/recipes/14157-braised-white-beans-with-chard

3. Banana & Plantain
Banana in a weight loss food list! Surprising, isn’t it? All those who start a weight loss regime, one of the first thing you devoid yourself of is this happy food. But here is good news, banana can actually help you lose weight as they have pectin which keeps the tummy full for a longer period of time and hence helps in weight loss. This fruit also contains vitamins, fiber and minerals, which are required by our body on a daily basis.
Plantain is also a type of banana which is not sweet and usually consumed after cooking. This too like banana has qualities which help to lose weight, and if we go by the scientific aspect of it, banana and plantain are the same.

Photo Credit http://www.wellnesstoday.com/beauty/4-foods-that-moisturize-your-skin

Photo Credit http://www.wellnesstoday.com/beauty/4-foods-that-moisturize-your-skin

4. Cottage Cheese
More commonly called Paneer in India this cheese is low on carbs and high on proteins and vitamins. The presence of calcium is an added advantage as it helps to burn fats, and now you know why this food has made it to the list.

Photo Credithttp://creamcentre.com/menu/tandoori/

Photo Credithttp://creamcentre.com/menu/tandoori/

5. Chicken Breast
Meat helps you melt those extra pounds and keeps you hearty at the same time as the high amount of protein in meat is the answer as to how we can celebrate our weight loss program. Amino acids in the protein are responsible for producing hormones which help in burning fats. Lean meats are low on saturated fats so when you are on weight loss diet, you can always have lean meat and stop worrying about a bulged belly.

Photo Credit http://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/sage-and-garlic-grilled-chicken-breasts/752901c0-bcd0-4089-9536-8d187e2b4016

Photo Credit http://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/sage-and-garlic-grilled-chicken-breasts/752901c0-bcd0-4089-9536-8d187e2b4016

6. Dark Chocolate
Most of us regard it a crime to have chocolate when we are on a strict diet and trying hard to burn those fats. Well, a small of amount of dark chocolates does not increase weight; rather it helps in reduction. Chocolates are filling and help us stay away from oily snacks which actually increase weight. This calls for a chocolaty party!

Photo Credit http://www.dazzlingwallpaper.com/list.php?id=35

Photo Credit http://www.dazzlingwallpaper.com/list.php?id=35

7. Eggs
This wholesome food is high on protein and this explains why and how this helps in weight loss. Now you need not stick to that routine breakfast of corn flakes and milk, and experiment with various egg recipes.

Photo Credit http://www.smart-restaurants.co.uk/food/smart-restaurants-guide-boiling-eggs-perfection/

Photo Credit http://www.smart-restaurants.co.uk/food/smart-restaurants-guide-boiling-eggs-perfection/

8. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil is probably the healthiest cooking oil and extra virgin variety is also chemical free which increases its health quotient by a great margin. This oil is cholesterol free and around 70% of this oil contains monounsaturated fat.

Photo Credit http://www.bellanaija.com/2013/11/22/bn-cuisine-with-chef-fregz-dial-a-chef-now/

Photo Credit http://www.bellanaija.com/2013/11/22/bn-cuisine-with-chef-fregz-dial-a-chef-now/

9. Fruits (Grapefruit)
Fruits are fibrous, and the sugar content of fruits is harmless until and unless your diet is extremely low-carb based. The fiber help in digesting the food slowly which makes us feel full for a longer time, thus we do not become overweight.

Photo Credit http://www.wallbu.com/fresh-fruits-hd-wallpapers.html

Photo Credit http://www.wallbu.com/fresh-fruits-hd-wallpapers.html

10. Greens (Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Leafy Vegetables, Lettuce, Spinach)
Green is in! Highly nutritive, these greens are a store house of fiber, vitamins and proteins and also contain calcium which helps in the process of burning fats. Broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, spinach and other greens are a must on the menu if you are on a weight lose spree.

Photo Credit http://theadplan.com/alzheimersdietblog/recipes/chia-seeds-tiny-powerhouses-of-disease-prevention/

Photo Credit http://theadplan.com/alzheimersdietblog/recipes/chia-seeds-tiny-powerhouses-of-disease-prevention/

11. Chia Seeds
This magical seed is a combination of almost all the nutritive elements like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, antioxidants. There is of course high amount of carbohydrate but most of it is fiber. Not only should these be included in our diet in order to lose weight but it is highly recommended in our daily diet due to its multi-faceted health benefits.

Photo Credit http://www.whitechiaseeds.org/chia-seeds-recipes/

Photo Credit http://www.whitechiaseeds.org/chia-seeds-recipes/

12. Milk
Milk is another wholesome food which has numerous benefits, and the amount of protein and calcium in it, makes it a worth mention in this list.

Photo Credit http://www.whitechiaseeds.org/chia-seeds-recipes/

Photo Credit http://www.whitechiaseeds.org/chia-seeds-recipes/

13. Nuts
Munch on a few nuts daily or make a nutty milk shake, and this food will do the trick. Nuts are high in calories so having too much of it would not be wise but consumed in the right proportion is beneficiary. They contain fiber and protein and help to better our bodys metabolism.

Photo Credit https://yummychunklet.wordpress.com/category/inas-garden/

Photo Credit https://yummychunklet.wordpress.com/category/inas-garden/

14. Green Tea
Green tea may seem tasteless to some but when it comes to shedding those extra fats; this is one of the first things which comes to one’s mind. They are undoubtedly helpful in losing weight but you need to do your homework before consuming it, as it is not suitable for anyone and everyone. If you are anaemic or suffer from glaucoma, you have many other options to lose weight so there is absolutely no reason to be upset.

Photo Credit http://www.hercampus.com/school/u-mass-amherst/health-benefits-green-tea

Photo Credit http://www.hercampus.com/school/u-mass-amherst/health-benefits-green-tea

15. Potato
To all those potato lovers, whose meal seems incomplete without potato, should rejoice this fact. Potatoes can actually help you get rid of those unwanted fats as they contain resistance starch. Make sure you have it with the peel as this is where the fiber lies.

Photo Credit http://www.hercampus.com/school/u-mass-amherst/health-benefits-green-tea

Photo Credit http://www.hercampus.com/school/u-mass-amherst/health-benefits-green-tea

16. Salmon
Presence of omega-3 fatty acids make this fish count as a healthy food and this is also a metabolism booster which ranks Salmon as one of the most desired food in the endeavors to lose weight.

Photo Credit http://www.artpiknik.ru/keytering/

Photo Credit http://www.artpiknik.ru/keytering/

17. Tuna
This fish is highly proteinaceous and at the same time low on fats. This is why many fitness conscious people have a liking towards this fish and include it in their diet.

Super Foods That Burn Fat 17

18. Water
Water is an integral part of life but did we ever think that it can help us lose weight? I know most of us will have a NO for an answer. The point here is that water can truly reduce weight and it is a tried and tested phenomenon. Water boosts metabolism and curbs our craving for snacks. Moreover, water is the healthiest substitute for sugary and carbonated drinks.

Photo Credit http://ca-nv-awwa.org/canv/CNS/Advocacy/NSF_ANSI%20Std%2061/CNS/Advocacy/NSF_ANSI_61_.aspx?hkey=f9adf49e-94f0-4b0b-a859-6c470609b2c6

Photo Credit http://ca-nv-awwa.org/canv/CNS/Advocacy/NSF_ANSI%20Std%2061/CNS/Advocacy/NSF_ANSI_61_.aspx?hkey=f9adf49e-94f0-4b0b-a859-6c470609b2c6


19. Wholegrains
Oats and quinoa are among those wholegrains which are useful in losing weight. Their high content of fiber and proteins make them a must inclusion in our diets. They increase metabolism and keep the tummy full for a longer period of time which invariably restricts us from eating too much.

Photo Credit http://www.berkeleywellness.com/healthy-eating/food/slideshow/14-keys-healthy-diet

Photo Credit http://www.berkeleywellness.com/healthy-eating/food/slideshow/14-keys-healthy-diet

20. Yogurt
Last but not the least, is Yogurt, be it full-fat yogurt or Greek yogurt. This food contains bacteria called probiotic bacteria which help to maintain a healthy gut and in turn a healthy you. Yogurt and the hormone responsible for hunger and satiation called leptin are co-related.

Photo Credit http://www.aglugofoil.com/search/label/Yogurt

Photo Credit http://www.aglugofoil.com/search/label/Yogurt