The world has been becoming increasingly health conscious, all thanks to the many disorders that are mushrooming over the past decades. Many have been giving up on aerated drinks lately due to their adverse effects and have been vouching for fruit and vegetable liquid extracts. Even those who are persistently trying to shed a lot of flab have been keeping their hunger pangs at bay by consuming fruit juices. Although beverages made using every fruit offer their own benefits, the goodness of the Ginger-carrot juice has been seldom spoken of. Maybe you have been drinking at least two glasses of this juice regularly, but have you realized what it’s been doing to your body? Here are 11 benefits of gulping those tumblers filled with Ginger Carrot juice, which you probably didn’t know. Perhaps you should put your blender to good use today and try preparing this juice to exploit its many health benefits.
1. Hair & Nails
Our present day lives are quite stressful and the hectic lifestyle we live in takes a toll on our health to a great extent. One of the first victims of stress and our polluted environment is our hair. Ginger Carrot juice is rich in several Vitamins such as Vitamin A as well as Vitamin K, which help in the nourishment of our hair. Consumption of Carrot Ginger juice helps in reduction of hair loss and even strengthens the strands, which has become a big cause for concern for many across the world. Drinking Ginger Carrot juice also results in making the nails stronger.

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2. Prevention of Cancer
As mentioned earlier, Vitamins of all kinds are found in great abundance in Ginger Carrot juice. The presence of Vitamin C in the liquid extract lowers the risk of falling prey to the dreaded disease like cancer by a great extent. According to a research conducted by the eminent institution ‘European Journal of Pharmacology’, the Ginger Carrot juice consists of an element called Gingerols, which kills harmful cells which cause Ovarian Cancer. A medical journal also claimed later that Gingerols also have the ability of protecting humans against Colon Cancer. Carrots also contain Carotenoids, which prevents the risk of contracting Breast Cancer.

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3. The Perfect Beverage For Expecting Mothers
Pregnant women who are constantly worried about what kind of food to consume during the baby bump period, a beverage like the Carrot Ginger juice is something they should really look forward to. The presence of Vitamin A in Carrots greatly enhances cell growth, which also helps in healthy development of the fetus inside the womb. Consumption of the Ginger-Carrot beverage prevents any risk to the fetus due to internal infections. This juice, which is highly nutritious, even greatly improves the quality of breast milk. In addition, pregnant women also need Calcium in abundance, which the Ginger-Carrot juice offers.

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4. Immunity
Yet again, the Vitamin A as well as Vitamin C constituents of Ginger Carrot juice arrive to the rescue, in a big way. Vitamin A in particular, has the power to improve the immune system by making significant changes in the bone marrow. It is said that a single bowl of Ginger Carrot consists of approximately 33,412 Vitamin A units, which enhances the development of White Blood Cells (WBC) in the body and gets rid of pathogens that pave way for illnesses. Thus, drinking lots of Ginger Carrot juice can help a great deal in keeping the common cold at numerous diseases at bay.

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5. Cardiovascular Health
The food we consume on a daily basis has a great say in our cardiovascular health. Cutting down food rich in oils and adopting a lot of vegetables like Carrot and spices with medicinal properties, such as Ginger. Carrot Ginger juice continually interacts with the receptors in our body, such as ‘Angiotensin II Type 1’. While the Gingerols helps in stabilizing blood pressure, the presence of Vitamin C will make you less prone to cardiovascular disorders such as stroke.
6. Protects Teeth & Gums
Carrot alone is a great medicine that promotes oral health. A glass of Carrot Ginger juice consumed after a meal, removes the stains formed on the teeth. If you constantly suffer from swollen or bleeding gums, it’s high time you initiate the habit of consuming Ginger Carrot juice quite often.

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7. Liver
Those who are concerned about weight gain should start relying on Ginger Carrot juice, to keep thirst at bay as well as keeping a tab on obesity. The juice helps in breaking down the fat which has been accumulating in the liver. However, the most important point to note is that Ginger Carrot juice also helps in excretion of wastes which can’t be filtered by the kidneys. These wastes, mainly bile secretions make their way out of the body through perforations in the skin.

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8. A Natural Sunscreen
Adding ginger to a juice makes the beverage rich in Phytonutrients, which greatly protects the skin. Consumption of the juice in great amounts results in flawless skin, which is also resistant to the ill effects caused by over exposure to sunlight. Beta-Carotenoids found in Carrots also help in shielding the skin against damage from many external environmental factors. Thus, it is better to rely on natural remedies such as these to protect the skin rather than largely depend on artificial agents like moisturizers.

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9. Prevents Ageing
Apart from maintaining a well-toned body, a challenge which many humans face is to look young even at a ripe age. Nutrients of all kinds found in Ginger Carrot juice, especially Vitamin A helps a great deal in keeping wrinkles at bay and nourishing the skin. These nutrients also help in fighting disorders affecting the skin, such as Eczema and Dermatitis.

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10. Acne Protection
Acne could be caused due to different reasons, such as allergy to a particular kind of food or even climatic conditions. One of the best remedies to erase those scars off your face is the consumption of Ginger-Carrot juice, due to their richness of constituents which helps in the skin.

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11. Food For The Brain
The brain is undoubtedly one of the most stress prone organs in the human body. One of the greatest memory related disorders is Alzheimer’s, the probability of occurrence of which can be prevented to a large extent by consuming Ginger-Carrot juice.

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