For many ladies and gentlemen across the globe, there is no better way of unwinding than grabbing a drink at the end of a long tiring day. It is also considered to be one of the best ways of welcoming the weekend. A drinking session with close friends usually tends to be a lengthy one, which just doesn’t seem to end because of the interesting conversations, where the topics may range from career, opposite sex, philosophy and even mere gossip related to your friends. However, the problem is that while engaging in these interesting talks, you tend to order too many drinks and even try a few which your friends have ordered, to keep the bartender happy. Many fail to realize that these overnight drinking sessions often lead to bad mornings, accompanied by headaches. Here are 12 incredible ways of getting rid of that dreaded hangover and ways to drink in a way to avoid such nightmares.
1. Equal Amount Of Water With Alcohol
First of all, it is a great practice to consume your favorite drink by diluting it with water. Even if you don’t, it is better to gulp a glass of water after having a peg of alcohol. Pushing hard liquor down your throat without even diluting it may lead to a terrible headache and nausea the next morning spurred by dehydration. For those of you who are already trying hard to recover from a hangover while reading this, take a break, go to your nearest water filter and drink some.

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2. Sticking To One Drink
While you are hanging out at the bar with a group of friends, it is quite natural that each of them orders a different drink. Although you might be tempted to taste each one’s drink and try new experiments such as making a cocktail of wine, beer and maybe even rum, it’s better to refrain from such acts. If you don’t mind waking up with a heavy head and signs of nausea, then it should be okay to go ahead and try whatever you want.

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3. Pace of Drinking
Have you noticed people holding their first drink for quite some time, before they pour a little more into their glass? Well, sipping your drink slowly is a good way of keeping hangovers at bay, rather than doing a bottoms-up. It takes a while for the human body to absorb alcohol, so drinking too much at a short interval would stress your system’s capacity to digest it, leading to health abnormalities.

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4. Bananas
Now that you haven’t downed your favorite alcoholic beverages in the way mentioned above, here is an easy way of curing yourself from hangover repercussions. It is a known fact that bananas help individuals overcome depression since their consumption releases a substance named Tryptophan, which enhances a feeling of happiness. However, did you know that Bananas also help in recovering from hangovers? The fruit is rich in Potassium, which gets depleted to a large extent during the consumption of alcohol. By munching a banana, one replenishes the lost Potassium content and brings the body back to a state of normalcy.

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5. Antacids
Antacids such as Alka Salatzer help a great deal in dealing with headaches, stomach burns and other forms of uneasiness caused in the body due to drinking too much. Alcohol often leads to burning sensation in the internal walls of the stomach and the throat, but antacids cool the system.

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6. Sleep
One of the reasons why your body feels drained out of energy and unbelievably tired after an overnight booze party is that the drinking session has deprived you of sleep. It is better to inform your boss well in advance that you won’t turn up and slip beneath the sheets. Snoring away to glory for a few hours will definitely relax your senses and help you stay prepared for the next day.

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7. Ginger Tea
Ginger is a great fighter of headaches and nullifies the ill effects of an alcohol overdose. It is a really great idea to cure your disturbed self with this traditional herbal solution. Not just a hangover, even if you feel stressed after a long, tiring day at work, Ginger tea should help.

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8. A Good Breakfast
Many drinkers end up with hangovers which are more like nightmares because they don’t usually eat while indulging in alcohol consuming sessions. Munching on cereals or foods rich in fiber, such as toast with eggs or butter should help you to a great extent to bounce back to your normal self. Another tip to prevent hangover is to order food while drinking, even if it is just a bowl of French fries. Food consumed along with alcohol reduces the risk of a bad aftermath to a large extent, but then is again the primary reason behind that evolving pot belly.

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9. Potatoes with Milk
Many sources suggest that munching potatoes before indulging in a session of consuming alcoholic beverages will help you winning half the battle against the ill effects of a hangover. Gulping a glass of milk the next morning helps in keeping the body hydrated and munching a few slices of potatoes also help in replenishing the body with essential nutrients. Alternatively, you can also make a pudding of mashed potatoes and milk, a combination which is rich in both Potassium and Calcium, ingredients which help in a speedy recovery from fatigue caused by overconsumption of alcohol.

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10. Medication
Wear your shoes and make a quick visit to the nearest pharmacy. A wide range of pills ranging from Aspirin to many other forms of medicine to cure fatigue and headache are available at the nearest stores. A bowl of food, popping one such painkiller and a few hours of good sleep the next day are good ways to subdue a hangover.

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11. Physical Activity
A stroll in the park or the peaceful neighborhood should help to a great extent. Even taking a plunge into the pool in your swimming trunks will reduce the ill effects of a hangover to a great extent. However, it is better that someone accompanies you while taking a stroll, so that there is no risk of you passing out outdoors. In addition, you also get to converse with the person accompanying you, which also helps a great deal in reducing the ill effects of the booze overdose.

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12. Distracting Yourself
The very thought of suffering from a hangover can make things seem worse. You might end up constantly worrying about how you will bounce back to your old glory. One of the best ways to keep your mind engages is to stay glued to the computer or television and finish watching all those episodes of your favorite sitcom. A few rib tickling moments are definitely one of the best ways to cure a person from a hangover. Even plugging in the joystick and keeping yourself engrossed with those spectacular video games can kill a hangover.

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