Author Julie Murphy rightly quipped, “You are what you eat. What would YOU like to be?” Most often the mistake we make in planning our daily meals turns out to be the fact that the menu includes food that contains more sodium and fewer nutrients. Minerals are an important part of our diet, and it is absolutely necessary that we incorporate them in each meal we consume. Potassium is one such mineral that can do wonders for our health. The inclusion of this power nutrient can ensure that cardiovascular disorders are kept at bay. Since this mineral protects our blood vessels and keeps the walls from swelling up, the chances of being affected by a stroke also cuts down drastically. This macro-mineral lowers prevents the formation of kidney stones, blood pressure and increases bone density. Hence, it is one of the most essential nutrients that women need, as they are more prone to brittle bones than men. Ideally, around 5000-mg of potassium has to be consumed every day, and it should only come from natural sources rather than supplements. To make your work easier, here are some easily available foods that are high in potassium.
1. Sweet Potatoes
Many consider bananas to be the primary source of potassium, but sweet potatoes beat the favorite summer fruit when it comes to this important mineral. There is as much as 694mg of potassium as well oodles of beta-carotene and fiber in one sweet potato. Hence, it’s not just yummy, it’s healthy too.

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2. Beans
Though all beans are rich in potassium, white beans top the list, owing to the fact that half a cup supplies 600mg of the nutrient. These beans are extremely useful in preventing the risk of coronary disorders, and one should include some portion of these power-foods in their diet each day.

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3. Avocado
Avocados are good sources of not just the mineral in question, but almost every other nutrient beneficial for our well-being. One avocado packs almost 1000mg of potassium, thus making it the perfect fruit to grow fond of. Apart from that, as with any other fruit, an avocado has loads of vitamins and is devoid of cholesterol.

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4. Beet Greens
We often buy fresh beet roots, and tend to throw away the leaves that accompany the vegetable. Did you know that these leaves can provide us with 644mg of potassium for each half cup that we consume? Also, beet greens are excellent sources of anti-oxidants. So the next time avoid tossing them out, cook it and eat, and you won’t regret it.

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5. Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Though fresh tomatoes do have potassium in them, sun-dried ones are even better as they can give us as much as 1800 mg in each cup that we consume. These are also a good source of fiber and vitamin C, without adding much to the fat intake. Add it to your salads or use to top pizzas; sun-dried tomatoes are one of the healthiest foods ever.

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6. Yogurt
The lesser the fat in yogurt, the higher quantity of potassium it supplies. Non-fat yogurt packs in about 579mg, while low-fat variants do not provide as much. Whether you decide to use yogurt in desserts, or mix it with your cereals, this nutritious food needs to be on your grocery list every day.

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7. Dried Apricots, Figs And Peaches
Dried apricots, figs and peaches are the best option when you want a healthy snack. They are rich in potassium, and one cup can provide us with a whopping 1500mg. In case these fruits aren’t available, or you don’t like their taste, you could substitute with dried raisins.

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8. Orange Juice
Oranges are quite a popular fruit if you’re looking for loads of vitamin C. However, fresh orange juice (without added sugar) is a notch higher because of its high potassium levels, along with calcium and vitamin B.

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9. Bananas
Yes, bananas do give us a high quantity of potassium, and lots more, including vitamins C and B6 and fiber. They are laden with energy, and 1 banana contains about 400mg of potassium.

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10. Prunes
Prunes are wonderful sources of our favorite mineral. When it’s juiced, a cup can give us more than 600mg, and stewed prunes have about 400mg. Once you start eating these dried plums each day, there is a good possibility of your bone density increasing.

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11. Fish
Fish is laden with potassium, especially tuna, salmon and halibut. They can contribute over 500mg of the nutrient in each fillet. Apart from that, they are also rich in vitamin D and Omega-3.

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12. Winter Squash
All varieties of winter squash, be it spaghetti or acorn, are good suppliers of potassium as well as fiber and vitamin A. A cup of squash can contain more than 900mg of potassium, and hence make for a healthy fruit.

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13. Mushrooms
Mushrooms contain more potassium than bananas, especially when farmed organically. This is in particular quite important since these fungi have the ability to absorb toxins present in the areas they grow in.

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14. Carrot Juice
It has been known for ages that carrots are good for your eyes, but carrots are rich in a very essential nutrient–potassium. It’s better if you drink a glass of carrot juice each day, which will definitely give you more than 500mg per serving.

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15. Milk
Like yogurt, milk too is an important source of potassium, containing about 400mg of the mineral in each cup. Again, the lesser the fat, the more is the content of potassium.

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