Foods To Eat To Keep Yeast Infection At BayVaginal yeast infection, more commonly called candidiasis, is a condition that affects most women. This is caused by a fungus called Candida, and the infection results in irritation in the affected area. There are ways to it, but medicines do not guarantee that the condition won’t relapse. However, there are certain foods that act as supplements to the drugs and ointments that a gynecologist might prescribe. Regular consumption of these foods may even prevent the occurrence of candidiasis. The first and foremost step to combat this infection is to plan out your anti-yeast diet. Such a meal plan should ideally include lots of anti-inflammatory foods and exclude those that are rich in gluten, sugars and carbohydrates. Also, avoid adding more yeast or fungus to your diet. Abstain completely from bread, dairy products, alcohol, baked goods and mushrooms. No cheese, no canned food, and no sugary fruits, no matter how fresh they are. Over time though, once candidiasis is under control and you haven’t had the condition for quite some time, you may bring back your favorite foods, but in moderation. Sounds a little daunting? Try these healthy foods that are not just anti-yeast, but also yummy and all-natural.
1. Cayenne Pepper
If you love your food hot and spicy, then you are in luck. Yeast infection might not affect you at all, or even if it does, you won’t find it too difficult to deal with. Cayenne pepper has properties that not only bring about smooth circulation of blood, but it also boosts our immune system, helping it prevent candida from multiplying.

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2. Ginger
Adding ginger to your food isn’t merely about the flavors; it also acts as a detoxifying agent. Ginger helps clean up our liver and stimulates our immune system. Its anti-inflammatory properties not only reduce intestinal gas, but also help prevent vaginal yeast infection, since it impedes the growth and spread of fungi inside our body. What is even more effective against such infections is drinking ginger, honey and lemon tea every morning.

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3. Garlic
Despite that typical pungent smell, we all love garlic. Garlic has several medicinal properties, working in close association with its partner–the ginger. If you are prone to frequent yeast infections, or you just want to maintain good health, swallow a handful of garlic cloves each day to keep diseases at bay. Garlic removes bad bacteria from your system, improves your immunity and acts as a counter for all the toxic substances we regularly ingest. You can make an anti-candida tonic well in advance, using crushed garlic cloves mixed in water, and drink it each day. However, this may cause a burning sensation in your stomach, so combine it with coconut oil and ensure you have eaten something before ingesting the tonic.

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4. Onions
Most of the food we prepare would seem rather incomplete if we didn’t use the onion in our regular cooking. Onions are highly capable of eliminating all forms of fungal infection from our body. Including them in our salads or adding them to soups on a daily basis can not only fight yeast, but also remove its side effects like bloating and extra fluid.

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5. Eggs
One of the most important components of any anti-fungal diet is egg. Eggs have antifungal peptides and proteins, especially a compound known as cystatin. These proteins are completely non-toxic, and you can include as much quantity of eggs as you like in your daily meal plan. Eggs, which are also known as “nature’s multivitamin”, are excellent yeast-fighters owing to the 26 vitamins that each unit contains.

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6. Pumpkin Seeds
Fatty fish is probably the most popular source of omega-3 fatty acids. However, for those vegetarians who are often left with a limited choice, you can get your daily dose of these essential fatty acids from pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds will help keep inflammation under control. They are also highly effective antifungal agents that can control as well as prevent vaginal yeast infections. You need not worry about cooking an elaborate meal with it. You simply have to roast a handful of them and snack on it whenever you can.

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7. Fresh Low-Sugar Fruits
Fruits are healthy, no doubt, but there are some that have a high percentage of fructose, and those are the ones we should stay away from. However, certain low-sugar fruits can be consumed every now and then, like bananas, apples, strawberries, melon, grapefruits, and white peaches. These fruits have effective antifungal properties that can soothe your body and counter the effects of vaginal yeast infection.

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8. Green Vegetables
Most vegetables are rich sources of vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, lettuce and other green vegetables are the best choices when it comes to warding off candida infections. Starchy vegetables like carrots and potatoes need to be strictly avoided since carbohydrates amount to sugars, and they are aggravating factors for such infections. We should also try to keep canned or pickled vegetables out of our diet, instead opting for more of fresh, organic veggies bought straight from a local market rather than the shelves of a departmental store.

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9. Olive Oil
Olive oil is an excellent source of antioxidants and other antifungal and antibacterial nutrients. Oleuropein, which is the main chemical found in olive oil not only strengthens our immune system, but also regulates our blood sugar levels, since high quantities of sugar can aggravate candida infections. You could toss your salads in some olive oil, or better still, start cooking with it, and be rest assured that vaginal yeast infections will no longer affect you. To top that, this oil (remember pure olive oil is far better than the extra virgin one) also helps maintain a healthy heart.

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10. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is rich in caprylic acid and lauric acid, both of which are brilliant antidotes to a yeast infection. Granted it is an acquired taste, but once you get used to it, coconut oil can keep multiplication of candida in check. This oil needs to be consumed in moderation, since excessive use may cause weight gain. However, two-three tablespoons of it each day would help prevent vaginal infections.

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