At least a third of the whole world’s population has been found to suffer from hypertension. This common but menacing health condition is most often attributed to stress at work, family issues, financial crisis, and other external factors that may cause frustration. However, one of the most essential facts that we all fail to realize, acknowledge and accept is the flawed lifestyles that we live. If we figure out what we are doing wrong, in terms of exercise and food, we can easily tackle the problem of high blood pressure. All you need to do, in order to stay ‘hypertension-free’, is make certain dietary and lifestyle changes. First, ensure you have a regular exercise regime that you can strictly adhere to. It is not necessary that you lift weights and have broiled chicken breasts, but maintain an easy schedule that you can follow each day to keep yourself fit. Once that’s done, avoid consuming foods that have a high content of trans-fats, saturated fats and sodium. Now that doesn’t mean you deprive yourself of good food. All you need to do is find healthier alternatives. Here are some of those foods that you should avoid as much as you can, when you have high blood pressure.
1. Salt
The first thing doctors advise you to do, when you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, is to cut down on your salt intake. High sodium content in your food can be killing, especially if you are suffering from hypertension. Salt and sodium can be found in almost every food you eat, particularly those that are packaged, bottled, canned or frozen. As preservatives, sodium can either be found in the form of common table salt, or more dangerously as monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is also carcinogenic. As a person with high BP, you should take care to restrict your salt consumption to just 1500-milligrams per day.

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2. Sugar
After the ugly truth about our most favorite condiment, it has been found that sugar can also have adverse effects on those suffering from high blood pressure. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to obesity. Obesity and blood pressure are directly linked, and an increase in weight can lead to an uncontrolled rise in our BP. It is absolutely essential that we abstain from sugar-loaded drinks and snacks, in order to control our blood pressure. The maximum sugar that we can ingest on a daily basis should ideally be limited to 6-9 teaspoons.

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3. Pickles
There are many of us who just cannot do without a bit of pickled lime, olives or gherkins. However, next time you pick up a bottle of your favorite pickle, just remember that this food is laden with salt as well as sugar, both of which are threatening for a patient with hypertension. Pickles are preserved food that require salt or sugar or sometimes even both to keep vegetables and fruits from going stale. As if that’s not enough, these condiments live bottled up for so long that they turn out to be nothing less than a hazardous sodium sponge.

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4. Coffee
Coffee has its benefits, if you overlook the fact that it has a lot of caffeine. However, for those of us who are regular coffee drinkers, often consuming more than three cups a day, this popular beverage has the potential to bring about a drastic rise in our blood pressure. The same logic holds true for any other caffeinated drink as well, so it’s best to stay away from them as much as possible.

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5. Whole Milk
Who would ever expect that this kitchen staple would hurt us so much? Yes, whole milk, which has the maximum amount of fat and cream, can give us loads of calcium that helps us build stronger bones and teeth. However, if you are a hypertension patient, the same milk can become a peril, since it is choc-a-bloc with 5-grams of saturated fats, and 8-grams of all fats. Saturated fats are unsafe for any of us, especially those who have increased blood pressure.

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6. Frozen Pizza
Don’t you just love eating food that’s piping hot? Then why do you even bother buying packaged frozen pizza? Oven-fresh pizza itself has so much cheese and refined flour, that it ends up being an unhealthy choice for a meal. Frozen pizza, to top that, have high levels of sodium–that is what keeps them alive in that enticing little box that is stored in the freezer. One slice of frozen pizza contains as much as 1000-mg of sodium. So next time, you are looking for an easy way out, and thinking about buying some frozen pizza, just stop in your tracks and think again.

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7. Red Meat
Red meat, though one of the most loved protein around the world, can be one of the most formidable triggers of spiked blood pressure. Red meat is known for its large quantities of trans-fats, which impede regular functioning of blood vessels and the heart. This in turn can cause our blood pressure to rise unnaturally. Red meat also has more than 1000-calories, regular consumption of which can lead to extreme cases of weight gain.

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8. Deli Meat
Deli meat is red meat…frozen and preserved with salt. So, that equals to three times the danger of suffering from hypertension. Processed meat are cured with salt, then seasoned with salt and finally preserved, once again with salt. This means the three doses of sodium can lead to a sharp rise in our blood pressure. Regularly eating luncheon meat can cause high BP, which in turn can increase our vulnerability to cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

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9. Packaged Noodles
Often it so happens that when we are busy at work, the best thing to have for lunch would be some cup noodles. This grab-and-go food might be quite convenient, but it can cause significant damage to your body. Any form of packaged noodles, despite their popularity as a quick snack, should be avoided, since one small pouch of flavoring tucked inside a packet of noodles can contain more than 1500-mg of sodium. Along with the high sodium content, it is also loaded with 14-grams of fat. This is exactly why we should avoid these foods if we want to keep our blood pressure in check.

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10. Alcohol
If you love your beer, then you are at a much higher risk of suffering from high blood pressure on a long-term basis. Binging on alcohol when you have hypertension can prove to be the final blow on your precious health. Moderate amounts are fine, but if you are a regular drinker, or you drink too much on your rare occasions, then you need to stop. Now! Too much alcohol can account for increased weight gain, and being overweight can lead to all the physical and emotional problems associated with hypertension.

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Now that you know what food you should avoid, eat smart and stay healthy!