“Reuse Reduce Recycle” has become a mantra for our environment conservation approach and this has indeed helped us in our endeavour to curb the effect of Global warming to some extent. Most of the products which we discarded after one use are now used again as we have figured out their importance. Waste management is one of the biggest challenges we are facing in today’s world; the landfills are becoming hard to find, and the ones used over-piled. Reusing and recycling waste helps in waste management and in turn conserves nature. This is useful in terms of conserving natural resources as well, along with energy. Conservationists have devised new methods and ways to conserve the nature and reusing, reducing, recycling is the prime means to do this. We have boxes made with recycled paper and ornamental ottomans made with recyclable material. We can reuse almost everything we regard as disposal and throw them after we are done with them, be it batteries, glass bottles, metallic substances, cans and even tea bags. Yes, even tiniest of things like tea bags can have significant uses and this article will tell you why not to dispose those bags after using it to make your refreshing cup of drink.

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1. Soft Hands
Often we have to endure that smell on our hands after peeling onions or garlic or dabbling with a fish recipe. Even if we cover our hands with the soapy foam, this smell lingers on and whatever else we try, the odour takes its usual course of time to diminish. However, this innovative use of tea bags will solve our problem in a jiffy; take a used tea bag, scrub your hands with it and the smell is gone. The exfoliating effect of tea keeps the hands soft, so we have a double benefit in a single use.

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2. Antibacterial
These tea bags have a similar use when it comes to freshening feet. After a tiring day, heat and the resulting perspiration leaves the feet rough and smelly. Dip your feet in lukewarm water containing used tea bags, scrub and give your feet a refreshing look.
3. Shiny Glasses
We all like our mirrors and glass surfaces to sparkle and we even spend good amount of time and money to make this happen. You might be surprised to know that we can do it without spending an extra penny as a wet used tea bag can remove that oily and dull look from the glasses. Wipe mirrors and glasses with wet tea bags and then use a soft clean cloth to rub, that’s it. But make sure that the staples attached to the tea bags are removed before you go ahead, otherwise those shiny glasses will

also have plenty of scratches to display.
Used Tea Bags 3: Photo Credit
4. Beautiful Hair
We care a lot about our hair and follow a strict beauty regime to keep our hair beautiful and flaunting. Adding used tea bags to this beauty regime is going to provide us with well-conditioned hair which is sure to be admired by all. Put used tea bags and water, bring it to boil and let the liquid cool down. After applying shampoo and rinsing off well, apply this solution on the scalp. Do not rinse with clean water again and dry with a towel to have soft hair.

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5. Revitalized Eyes
Sleepless nights and stressful routine is most visible in our eyes and once the dark circles and eye bags appear, it becomes difficult to rejuvenate the eyes and bring their charm back. Chilled tea bags are very effective and even one of the most feasible ways to treat dark circles and eye bags. Tea contains tannins which reduces the swelling and darkness if we place those tea bags on our eyes for around 15 minutes.
6. Treat Bruises & Sunburn
Many a time we dash against a hard object and hurt ourselves which also leaves a mark on the skin. This bruise mark can be avoided by placing some refrigerated tea bags on the bruised part. Even in the case of sunburns, tea bags are really helpful. Put some tea bags in your bath tub and immerse your body in that water for as long as you desire. This will have a distinct effect on your body and you will definitely see the sunburn reduce. This will also make the skin dazzle and give an anti-aging effect.

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7. Bad Breath
Bad breath is something which annoys all of us and sometimes even expensive mouthwashes are of no help. These rather add up to the bad breath making it worse. How about adding a used tea bag in a hot cup of water and after it cools down rinse the mouth with it? This antibacterial substance will certainly keep bad breath and plaque at bay.
8. Injury
While working in the kitchen we sometimes end up getting a cut with the knife and the blood does not seem to stop. We can place used tea bags in the refrigerator and when we get such cuts we can immediately place these tea bags on it which will help clot the blood. This also helps heal canker sores and you can once again enjoy your food without the irritation of mouth ulcers.
9. Odourless Environment
We dump our fridge with a variety of food and the intermixed smells of these create a weird odor which we try to avoid by emptying the refrigerator. Even then this smell lingers on, but placing some used tea bags in it will help us lessen this odour. We can also place used dry tea bags in ashtrays and dustbins to ward off the emanating odour.

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10. Flavoured Food
Before preparing your favourite pasta, rice, oatmeal or any other grain food, brew the water with some flavoured tea bags according to your choice and then boil the grains in it, giving a twist to the food. The aromatic tea will have a mild effect on the pasta or rice making it more appetizing. Used tea bag is also the secret to make tough meat tender. Brew these tea bags and then use this to marinate the meat along with meat broth to soften the meat.

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11. Eliminate Dust Mites
Dust mites at times get on our nerves and finding them is a tough job. They feed on our belongings and ruin them to the core. In this too, used tea bags can help us. A solution of black tea sprayed on the dust mite affected areas will get rid of these tiny crooks. But be careful as the tea might leave a stain so it is advisable to test the colour before spraying.
12. Rust-free Iron Cookware
The tannin present in black is anti-oxidizing, so when we use black tea bags to coat the iron cookware after use, it creates a film protecting the utensils from corroding. Show off your utensils without having to worry about the ignominious rust.