How many times has it happened that you were having a terrible, nagging headache, and even whispering felt like words were blaring from a loudspeaker? If it’s quite a common phenomenon in your life, then you need to worry, because you are prone to chronic headaches. Alright, admit it, the headaches are regular, but there’s nothing an aspirin can’t solve, right? However, do you know that popping a pill every other day can lead to gastrointestinal problems, nausea and cramping? Then, why harm your body in the long run with medically prescribed drugs, instead of opting for the more natural and effective headache remedy? There are several foods that just lie in our refrigerators or kitchens, which have the potential to cure an existing headache and prevent future ones. If you are concerned about your health and would prefer fewer medicines, here are eleven superfoods that can easily fight a headache.
1. Fatty Fish
We all know how healthy all sorts of fatty fish are. Be it the salmon or the tuna, these fishes are loaded with vitamins, especially B6 and B12. These nutrients, along with folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, have the ability to reduce cases of extreme headache, including migraine. Of course an occasional gorging on tuna will not reduce the headache you already are suffering from, but including it in your regular diet will prevent such instances.

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2. Ginger
It is a well-established fact that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. Other than its multitude of health benefits, ginger can relieve pain in a matter of minutes, and are especially effective against migraine attacks. It is laden with Vitamin C, choline and folate, which account for why it is effective as a combat for headaches.

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3. Chilli
It has been reported that spice in any form can help alleviate headaches. Since chillies are the main source of spice, these tiny but powerful members of the nightshade family are excellent antidotes to headaches. Chillies are mainly made up of a phytochemical known as capsaicin, which impedes the production of an inflammatory neuropeptide called Substance P. It is Substance P that causes migraine and sinus headaches. Since chillies inhibit this chemical, they play a major role in preventing the treacherous headaches.

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4. Quinoa
Quinoa, also known as “the gold of the Incas”, refers to seeds (they are considered grains owing to their appearance) that completely lack in gluten, and hence are excellent for relieving us of migraine headaches. This superfood is also abundant in magnesium, which is an essential nutrient that fights headache. Not only does magnesium stabilize blood vessel walls, it is also a sleep inducing mineral.

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5. Bananas
Bananas are again fruits that are rich in magnesium, and hence a powerful food to get rid of chronic headaches. This happy food is also a powerhouse of potassium that can maintain a balance in the electrolyte levels of our body. Thus, the next time you have too much to drink and you wake up with the typical hangover headache, just grab a banana and you will feel rejuvenated in no time. Bananas work equally well before a drink, when you wish to prevent the whole hangover scenario.

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6. Cantaloupe
Also called muskmelon, the cantaloupe is a fruit that is rich in potassium and water, and thus a brilliant remedy for dehydration. Often, our headaches are the result of less water in our body, and one medium-sized cantaloupe can cure us of our sufferings. It is also choc-a-bloc with magnesium that can help balance insulin levels in non-diabetics, whose headaches are triggered by low blood sugar.

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7. Celery
Celery isn’t just a great addition to your salads owing to their crunch element; they are also important because of the millions of health benefits they have to offer. The luteolin flavonoid contained in celery make it particularly effective against all kinds of headaches. Celery that is organically cultivated and are devoid of toxic pesticides are highly potent as a vegetable that inhibits inflammation of our brain cells. Next time, go for the organic variants in your food, and know that you are safe from those tiring headaches.

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8. Mushrooms
Most of us absolutely love gorging on mushrooms, but often without acknowledging what these fungi are actually capable of. Mushrooms contain loads of riboflavin which helps in generating red blood cells and helps in better absorption of other nutrients. Consuming a high content of riboflavin on a regular basis is a great way to prevent and cure oneself of headaches.

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9. Watermelon
Watermelon is another fruit that has a high content of water, with efficient rehydrating properties. Have it as a fruit, or drink some watermelon juice, nothing can feel more refreshing than this, especially when you’re burdened with a terrible headache. During the summers, a headache might not be a harmless pain; it could also indicate the chances of a heatstroke. At such times, it might just be the humble watermelon that comes to your rescue.

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10. Almonds
When you go to a doctor, complaining of chronic headaches, he might most often suggest you eat a handful of almonds on a daily basis, just to maintain good health. Almonds are absolutely heavenly as a snack; it is also one of the healthiest you could be eating right now. The amino acid, called tryptophan that is contained in almonds, facilitates the production of serotonin by the brain. This serotonin helps alleviate headaches in a jiffy, and leaves you feeling happy. Other nuts might trigger headaches, but almonds are definitely a good remedy.

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11. Water
You must be wondering what’s so special about water, but it is one of the most basic cures for a nagging headache. Sure, you could have watermelons or cantaloupes, but why ignore water when it is so readily available. Nothing could keep you more hydrated than a glass of water every now and then, thus preventing as well as combatting some of the most persistent headaches that we usually suffer from. Next time you have a migraine attack, abstain from alcohol and opt for the plain and simple water instead.

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