For many ladies and gentlemen across the globe, there is no better way of unwinding than grabbing a drink at..
The world has been becoming increasingly health conscious, all thanks to the many disorders that are mushrooming over the past..
The lower belly paunch, which has become an epidemic of sorts plaguing this internet-savvy generations is caused by a myriad..
Hugh ‘Wolverine’ Jackman voices our thoughts when he says, “To me, the smell of fresh-made coffee is one of the..
Each one of us has a favorite beverage for sure. While some can’t do without their morning cup of coffee,..
“Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.”- Frank Sinatra. Revered singer Frank Sinatra hit..
If there’s ever a contest for the most favored beverage in the world other than water, tea would win hands..
Author Charles Bukowski once said, ““I think I need a drink. Almost everybody does only they don’t know it.” It..